Othercide scythe dancer
Othercide scythe dancer

othercide scythe dancer

Use the Shield Bearer’s Slam generously to delay the boss just make sure you have defensive skills like Blacksmith’s Grace.


Use skills that push the boss further towards the bottom of the map if he is loading Torrent of Agony.Here are some what to do and what not to do: For the most part, it comes down to: “Am I about to get hit? Better move a little. Although the boss punches ridiculously, he doesn’t need to worry as much about reaction skills or unexpected mechanics. The battle of the child boss in Othercide It’s mostly about AP management and repositioning, and it was even easier for me compared to the Maid boss fight at lower levels. These are in addition to instant attacks that the boss can launch. Unfortunately, they also hit so many tiles that you really need to dance around the map just to avoid them. All of these skills require a bit of loading time. Similarly, there’s Rain of Agony, another charged ability:Īfter you have damaged the Child a little below 50% health, he will receive Cross of Agony, another charged spell. Then, there’s Torrent of Agony, a charged ability that covers a huge cone below the boss’s location: These abilities will now hit the closest tokens around the Kid’s target (see below): Once the boss reaches the second phase, he will gain benefits for Shriek and Misery (turning them into their “Terrible” versions). Severe pain (phase transition): after reaching 75% health resets initiative to zero (takes a turn after it’s done).Rays of Agony (charged) – 550 damage eight-pointed star pattern around the head.Misery (snapshot): 500 damage to daughter furthest away temporarily reduces range of motion.Screech (instant) – 1,200 damage melee range unit.Othercide: The Child boss guide The Boss Boy Fights Information Note: For more information, see our Othercide Guides and hub features. This battle will test your mettle, but a few tricks will definitely lead to success. The boy is the fourth boss in Othercide – well, not counting the entity you fought with during the tutorial.

Othercide scythe dancer